Friday, January 30, 2009
Format Update
A couple different (and very nice) templates only served to screw up so much of the positioning of charts I'd worked on in my posts that I unloaded and returned to Minima and finally found a site to help me with the linkbar problem. I'm still not very happy with it, so if there are any readers that know how to shrink the height of it and could let me know, I'd be most appreciative.
Here's the substance of the change: for now only the NYMEX Charts tab is active. It leads to a page with charts showing crude oil open interest, price and spread that I'll try to update as frequently as time allows. I'm debating about also having a tab for the week's earnings table so that it can be easily located as well. Any opinions on this are welcome.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
So maybe Wyeth is better? Let's have a look at their 2007 annual report. Well, how about that? SI&A for Wyeth is a little over twice what is spent on R&D there too.
The most oft-heard reason for Pfizer's purchase of Wyeth is that Pfizer is about to lose patent-protection on Lipitor, one of PFE's cash cows. This leads to a more interesting observation or at least personal speculation.
The point of all this is my hunch that the merging of PFE and Wyeth into Wy-Pfi does not mean we should all expect a massive slashing of R&D budgets and thousands of scientists out of work. What I believe it forecasts is thousands of drug reps, HR and admininstrative staff out of work. (Perhaps unfortunate for the economy is that I suspect in many cases, the drug reps are better paid and disperse more dollars into the economy than the scientists.) New drugs are still the lifeblood of these companies. But PFE and their ilk have long been far larger marketing machines than R&D houses. The true drug innovation (and risk-taking) goes on at the smaller biotech firms and universities. Big Pharma is simply very innovative at finding new ways to extract dollars from our pockets through creative patenting, lobbying and marketing.
For more reading, I would definitely recommend the New Yorker's article "High Prices" by Malcom Gladwell for a glimpse at the marketing creativity of Big Pharma as well as "The Pipeline Problems" also in the New Yorker.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Revisiting Old Charts
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Earnings Week of 1/26/09
Spreadsheet Link
There are a ton of companies releasing every day. So many that there are too many for me to run through on a detailed basis - you'll have to use the links to investigage on your own. Instead, I'll just note the big names and DJI components but won't have much opinion on them. Plus, as we saw from last week, a whole lot can happen in between Sunday and Thursday.
Monday: DJI components AXP, CAT, and MCD. Oil services HAL. NY-based REIT, SLG. Miner FCX.
Tuesday: DJI components DD & VZ. Refiner VLO.
Wednesday: DJI components T and BA. WFC should be interesting to see if they continue to shuffle around bad mortgages for book-keeping purposes or if they have just TARPed the whole thing. SBUX announced some new layoffs at corporate and I think some new store closings in the last couple of days. We should find out just how much people are cutting back on life's little luxuries.
Thursday: DJI components MMM. WYE announces and they are being targeted by PFE. AMZN announces, though the time is not yet solidified. Speculative solar play of the day is SPWRA. Two airlines in CAL and LCC.
Friday: DJI components CVX, XOM and PG. Combined these 3 companies represent represent just over 20% of the DJIA. An ex-DJI component in HON and mall-owner SPG. This quarter might not be too bad for SPG but look out in the next one as the retail bankruptcies really start to take their toll on the malls in the quarter ahead.
Sorry it's kind of lame today in terms of my commentary. (Even worse than last week.) I'll be looking on a day-by-day basis in the week ahead to see what might be worth playing but to do it all in one morning when everything will likely change in 4 hours trading seems utterly without point. Hopefully, the sheet will be helpful to readers in winnowing the pool of companies releasing to a few that could be worth trading. One last question/request: if anyone knows how to get Google docs to do conditional formatting based on a formula, let me know. The 52-week high/low columns are not highlighting as I have them set to in Excel and it's a nice visual note.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Levered ETFs and Real-World Volatility
There are lots of levered ETFs out there but they all function in more or less the same way - they try to provide +/-2x the percentage daily move of whatever its benchmark index is. Just to take one example, this is from the ProShares prospectus (page 9):
Ultra ProShares are designed to correspond to a multiple of the daily performance of an underlying index. Short ProShares are designed to correspond to the inverse of the daily performance or twice (200%) the inverse of the daily performance of an underlying index.
The Funds do not seek to achieve their stated investment objective over a period of time greater than one day.
(emphasis mine)
These are very important caveats to bear in mind and they are in the prospectus to protect ProShares from real-world behaviour vs. uninformed investor expectations. So how can these ETFs be used effectively, given their path dependence? The post on DXO/DTO already showed that there are occasions when the ultra or levered ETFs perform outstandingly well - basically when the underlying benchmark moves in a straight line with little deviation. So what of the flip-side? I skirted this issue with an earlier post called "The Chop!" where it was noted that SPX had been exceedingly volatile on an intraday basis for the previous couple of months. I'll try to give a look at both possibilities.
Moving ahead from this point seemed acceptable and so I decided to model the returns (before expenses) according to the daily goals outlined in the prospectus of 1x, +2x and -2x funds in this environment. I ran this 200 times with some interesting results.
So that's the examination of a relatively choppy market. What about the performance under circumstances like the summer to fall period in crude oil?
You'll have to just grant me the same assumptions as the charts illustrated above because I don't want to further clutter up the space. Briefly, the sets generated are even more similar statistically than in the first case. If you would like to see the numbers from above let me know but I'll summarize with this: the data in question is USO from June 16 until December 24 or 135 sessions. The average intraday change was -0.64% with a std. dev. of 2.65. This is a couple of weeks before the peak, and seems a little more realistic in terms of market timing in that allows some wiggle room for being off.
So what can be drawn from this overly-long post? First, it should be remembered that this simulating is totally ideal - no expense ratio (generally >0.8%) and no slippage/remainder that seems to occur in terms of performance vs. stated goal on a daily basis. My hunch is that on significant volume/volatile days the NAV of these ETFs gets away from share price due to in/out-flows and eventually must be reconciled. But in terms of applicable trading, I suppose if you believe the benchmark that you are targeting is going to enter a period of strong directional movement without much volatility, then a levered ETF might be a decent wager. But beware the chop and churn that, combined with expenses and remainders, can systematically erode returns.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Earnings (Mid-week Update-Update)
Spreadsheet Link
Update: And what a difference a morning makes. I get back to my desk and it's like yesterday never happened. Why even bother with commentary? -5%, +5% back to back... and since I don't do intraday commentary, the Sunday table will just have to stand on its own as a point of reference.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Ashes to Ashes...
Now, waaaaay back before I started reading about any of this stuff in relation to markets and trading I had a basic academic/political interest in national debt and what-not. If you look back at 1954 as the US emerged from WW2 with some fairly substantial debts, the national debt to GDP ratio in 1954 was 73.3%. (Trivial aside: this number peaked at 121% of GDP in 1946.) In late 2008, this number was... ~72.5%! I must admit, I do like coincidences even if they don't really mean anything.
So moving forward, will we see a return to progressively tighter policy at the Fed? I guess that depends on how much of the money currently being shoveled into the fires of the financial sector manages to remain unburnt and floats off into the broad economy to reappear as inflation. On the flipside, will it even matter as rates are forced upwards because nobody (or at least fewer somebodies) wants to buy the debt? That's perhaps a more ominous possibility. It feels like this could be a great entry point to explore a rich topic but it will have to wait for another post.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Oil Anomalies
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Earnings Week of 1/19/09
First, the earnings report has its origins in an attempt to more easily identify better candidates for using options to strangle/straddle the earnings event. For this reason, the workbook below is not an all-inclusive list of every company that will be releasing earnings in the coming week. Instead, the list is a result of screening for option availability/liquidity and share price. Typically, this has meant a total call/put volume of 2500 contracts in the prior month as reported by CBOE and a share price above $5. In terms of the remainder of the sheet’s contents, most of the data is assembled from Yahoo! based on Friday’s closing prices. The approximate IV is calculated within the sheet based on these same prices but from Sunday until expiration. One very, very important thing to remember is that this sheet will not dynamically update with new information throughout the week. So while it is pretty decent for Monday & Tuesday, average for Wednesday, by Thursday and definitely Friday the accuracy of the numbers deteriorates somewhat – particularly in a week of options expiration. (If anyone has an idea about how to address this, I’d like to hear about it. Or if they can explain why Google Docs won't show the color formats for the short interest and 52-week high/lows.)
As far as my comments go, I usually won’t discuss financial institutions because of what we observed this week with C and BAC. They are not to be trusted, have no transparency, and are prone to somewhat unforeseen and massive interventions from the Treasury. One could argue that this is exactly the conditions a strangle/straddle is intended to work under but why comment on something that is so rigged? When the sheer number of earnings releases are significant (as this week), I will omit comment on a fair number of them and try to focus on companies with certain flags that signal potential to move - high short interest, low float, historical movement, etc. The other group will be Dow components or companies that the entire market pays attention to.
So with the basic logistics out of the way here’s the table for the week:
Spreadsheet Link
Some intial comments: Thankfully, Monday is a day off this week as the heavy lifting of earnings work begins. Enjoy it. Possibly even reflect, if you're so inclined. The rest of the week kind of paralyzes me though. There are considerably more companies releasing earnings but generally, the options pricing anticipates price movements outside of historical norms across the board and makes me want to issue a blanket "stay away" statement unless legging into a position is a possibility. Keeping that in mind, I'll likely just highlight a few names below and leave it to the reader to use the data presented as they see fit. Perhaps I'll revisit these on Wednesday once the market has provided some new inputs to work off of.
Tuesday: Two Dow components (together about 13.74% of the index) in IBM & JNJ. Looking beyond these two, the options prices reflect significant expectations of volatility. The average downside expectation is -18.5% and upside average is 21.6%! While a few of these companies have moved that much in a single day in the past, that is no guarantee of this quarter's performance. Unless you are able to leg into a straddle, that strategy looks best avoided for almost every single one of the companies releasing on Tuesday. It is possible that this will change by the time the market opens on Tuesday and more attractive contract pricing will be available but be careful. CSX might be notable for indications of rail-freight traffic.
Wednesday: AAPL is probably the name that will garner the most attention. I've insisted for some time that AAPL is a maker of luxury goods in a recession. Throw in the weakness in the stock that reflects Jobs' health and who knows what could happen. It seems incredible that the contracts price in a potential move to 70 in the next month but a look at the chart does not show any real support once 80 is broken. This intrigues me, could this finally be a moment when the true believers throw in the towel or will AAPL again beat sandbagged estimates? AMR and UAUA release and should provide some indicators of business travel and how lower fuel costs have impacted their bottom lines considering they haven't rescinded any of those fees they've piled on during the last quarters. There will also be a 2nd rail indicator with BNI. Finally, DJI component UTX releases.
Thursday: Things get a little more interesting. Two more rail companies in CNI/UNP. A whole slew of financial names: BK, BBT, COF, FITB, MTB, PBCT, STI & SNV. And then some significant tech names: GOOG and MSFT. To top it all off, some volatile darlings like ISRG & POT. This week I really am going to revisit Thursday and Friday on Wednesday since a few of these could be worth commenting on there is a bit more clarity and the time is closer. Stay tuned for then. I will make one comment on SYNA - keep an eye on it since the short interest is monstrous. This could be one where a strangle position is established and both legs increase in value jsut because of IV inflation running into the event.
Friday: See above except to note that GE releases. SLB is perhaps also notable since it is the leader in oil services industry.
Sorry for the wishy-washy stuff this week (again) but the market behaviour in the last week seems to have bumped up the options pricing and confused traders again. Check back on either Tuesday night or Wednesday for some clarity on Thursday's releases.
Keepin' Score (1/12/2009)
AA – I said: “I'm inclined to avoid this one because something about it seems "off" …Downside support would be at the SMA(30)/(50) at 10.15/10.24 respectively and below that around the 9.40-9.50 area.
What happened: Well, it closed on 1/13 at 9.55 but if you were nimble a strangle still could have scored a limited profit since the day’s low was 9.30. I’m going to give myself -1 point on this because the trade could have been profitable and my downside targets were a tad too optimistic.
DNA – I said: “… a strangle here doesn't make much sense, it is worth paying attention to as a straight momentum play if it turns out this rumor has any substance.”
What happened: Well, +0.5 points for avoiding the strangle as it never would have paid off.
INTC – I said: “It's currently sitting right at the SMA(30/50) 14.26/14.19 and if those levels fail it could eventually slide down to the 12.50 area.…this is another case where a strangle makes little sense on the assumption that a lot of the news is already priced in.”
What happened: This is more difficult because INTC moved quite a bit from the Sunday pricing until Thursday when it hit 12.70. So +0.5 for the 12.50 not being broken but -0.5 since a strangle opened on the pricing on the sheet would actually have been profitable, though you would have had to pull the plug before earnings instead of after. Net 0 points here.
MI – I said: “that is just about as close to failure as you can get. Plus, the volume ticked up a bit there. Ouch. MI has only once been as volatile as the options contracted pricing implies so again, best avoided as an event play but might be worth a watch as a short.”
What happened: Well, I was right and wrong here. It would have been a great strangle so -0.5 points. But it was also a great short so +0.5 points. Another net zero.
That’s all for the week since I didn’t bother commenting on Friday’s plays. Considering the movement from Monday to Friday I’m glad I didn’t.
Week’s Total Score: -0.5 points
Running aggregate score: +3 points
Friday, January 16, 2009
Four! Four Single Digit Dow Components!

Sunday, January 11, 2009
SPX Dividends, EPS, & Yield
First, why haven't dividends fallen further when both operating (oEPS) and as reported (arEPS) earnings have declined significantly? And second, how far could they fall in the quarters ahead?
The data for this analysis comes from both Shiller and S&P. Shiller's historic data uses "as reported" earnings and S&P provides the operating earnings going back to 1988. When the chart is examined the steady and basically regular growth of dividends from 1962 through about 2000 is fairly remarkable. Then, things start to get a little hairy before resuming a rapid rise to a peak in Q4/07.
So what about the periods of earnings declines and their impacts on dividends?
There are several periods of considerable as reported earnings drops: most are obvious from the chart but also 2H/74 to Q1/75, Q4/81 to Q1/83. Looking at peaks in arEPS during these times, the average fall was about -45%. Interestingly, during these periods dividends were on average flat though this owes to the 1989 period when dividends somehow grew by 14.4%.
That being said, SPX dividends actually peaked in Q4/07 at 7.62, one quarter after earnings had peaked before beginning their current slide. Adding to this odd behavior is that dividends went up from Q3 to Q4 by 10.4% even as oEPS fell by -27% and arEPS slid -48%. Huh. Color me confused. At any rate, dividends are now off a bit over -6% from that peak. So how does this rate from a historical perspective in terms of yield?
Thus far the context has been filled in, more or less. Considering how wildly off the estimates for S&P EPS have been in the past quarters, the notion that they now have a firm grip on EPS going forward is umm... naive. Maybe wishful thinking, whatever. Let's assume though that EPS stabilizes at this current level which is approximately in the area of mid-2004 and perhaps increases at a modest rate similar to what I posited back in an earlier post. The 4.1% growth in oEPS would bring this metric up to roughly December 2005 levels by Q4/2009. Dividends at that time were about -15% lower than the current quarter. So if EPS grows at that slower rate, how much cash is available from the balance sheets of the S&P 500 to fund dividends? My guess is not nearly as much as there was before this whole debacle really got started. (I really need to go through the Fed's Flow of Funds report more closely to see if I can find some more data.)
Take what you will from this pile of information. I would not bank on the current level of dividends being sustainable through 2009 without some serious uptick in EPS which I honestly don't expect. Unless I have severely underestimated the stomach of corporations to seriously weaken their balance sheets in a vain attempt to boost share prices, it just doesn't seem possible. What SPX does between 12/31/2009 and today is anyone's guess, but I am expecting to hear about further dividend slashes coming up that will push SPX yield down in the next quarters.
Here's one other of my 2 cent ideas: When you look back at Shiller's entire data set, it looks like there was actually a time when people invested in the S&P for the yield paid rather than sheer capital gains alone. Might the market emerge on the back of that same model? It could make some sense and provide some level of confidence back to the market players.
Earnings Week of 1/12/09
Spreadsheet Link
Monday: AA starts off the party this week, after the bell. They've already announced pretty drastic personnel cuts and have taken a hit this past week. Historically, AA has not been volatile at earnings with the dramatic exception of last quarter when the max intraday move was -19.8%! And for a Dow component at that. Right now the contracts are being priced for a move to 9.50 on the downside. I'm inclined to avoid this one because something about it seems "off" for lack of anything more quantitative to say. Downside support would be at the SMA(30)/(50) at 10.15/10.24 respectively and below that around the 9.40-9.50 area. One note of trivia: the Friday closing price equates to a Dow contribution of 1.035%, so even if this tanks don't expect it to do much damage to the Dow.
Tuesday: INFY and LLTC. ADRs have long bothered me from the perspective that they are not really beholden to the same rules as direct lists on NYSE/NASDAQ. Whenever I've watched them closely around earnings it's always seemed like someone knew something. Anyhow, while certainly disclosure rules haven't prevented Enrons here in the US, the information was there if anyone was so inclined to actually pay attention. However, look at SAY this past week. Oops. For that reason, I try to avoid any and all ADRs since they always feel gamed. As for LLTC... semiconductor/chip industry and so I take a pass.
Wednesday: Nothing made it through the parameter filter.
Thursday: DNA announces after close. Looking at their chart is intriguing to say the least. It would appear that it has moved into breakout mode on high volume on Friday after breaching the 85 level, apparently on news/rumor of a Roche buyout around $95+/share. This stock has been moderately volatile at earnings, typically moving 3-6% but not much more than that. So while I would say that a strangle here doesn't make much sense, it is worth paying attention to as a straight momentum play if it turns out this rumor has any substance. INTC has already offered lowered guidance this past week and was smacked down a bit. It's currently sitting right at the SMA(30/50) 14.26/14.19 and if those levels fail it could eventually slide down to the 12.50 area. However, this is another case where a strangle makes little sense on the assumption that a lot of the news is already priced in. MI rounds out Thursday. The daily chart is pretty ugly with a move on Friday to 11.37 that is just about as close to failure as you can get. Plus, the volume ticked up a bit there. Ouch. MI has only once been as volatile as the options contracted pricing implies so again, best avoided as an event play but might be worth a watch as a short.
Friday: FHN and JCI. One could argue that FHN is at the bottom of a slightly upward sloping channel. What that means for reaction to earnings is tough to say. It has a decent sized float with moderatly high short interest around 15%. The contracts are pricing for a large downward move... I'm going to take a pass on commenting on this one. JCI intrigues me but considering this is an op-ex week and they announce on a Friday, this will also have to remain without comment (for now). Maybe I'll re-visit it on Wednesday or Thursday since the levels around the current price look like it could be a winner.
Keepin' Score (1/5/2009)
MOS - I said: "A favorable reaction to news would bring a 1st (and easily hit) level of about 38 and a 2nd level in the 42 area. A lousy report could send this sliding back to the 30 area from where it began this 20% run to its current 36.86."
What happened: The 38 area was taken out even before earnings by the updraft in the market. Drift after that carried it up to a high for the week of 41.15, shy of the 42 upper level. 0 points for this... the low level was too easily taken out and it didn't get close enough to the high.
MON - I said: " will likely get some sympathy movement with MOS", "...on the upside it will see resistance around 77-78, with an outside chance of recovery to mid-December high around 84."
What happened: +0.5 for the sympathy move with MOS and that it didn't take out 77 at that point. -0.5 points since MON broke above 84 right after earnings with a big gap on a strong market day. I'm going to also give this a 0 total points even though MON did drift back down and only closed one day above 84.
BBY - I said: "...options pricing reflects the historic movement pretty well so barring some cheapening of contracts, this is probably just as well watched for potential break-out given the chart pattern rather than as an earnings play."
What happened: +0.5 point since share price never went above or below the break-even share pricing of 29.25/23.25.
FDO - I said: "FDO doesn't usually move much at earnings however so let's move on."
What happened: Even though FDO didn't get past the upper break even price of 29.16, I am only giving this +0.5 point because it moved more than I expected it to. I suppose if one were brave and/or lucky, buying calls near the low of the day before earnings might have been profitable.
APOL - I said: "...if the break-even pricing for the strangle still reflects what is shown in the sheet, it would be worth playing."
What happened: +0.5 points since a strangle based on the prices in the earnings sheet would have been profitable. But IV inflation did creep in throughout the week so depending on when one would have purchased the position would vary the profitability. One of the downfalls of a Sunday look-ahead I guess.
CVX - I said: "never really moves. Just watch crude."
What happened: CVX didn't really move. +0.5 points.
AZZ/KBH - I said: "Probably best to avoid./Another one that seems not worth the bother."
What happened: Neither one made it past break-even prices. +0.5 points there.
Total score for the week: +2.5 points
Aggregate score: +3.5 points
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
T-Bills, T-Bills and more T-Bills!
If all of this debt must be rolled, and if any stimulus package must necessarily be deficit spending, what are the impacts on yields? Once again, it should be an interesting year.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
SPX Bottom Finder
The idea was to create a measure to identify when turning point potential was high. This measure is in the red line. When it is above 0, the risk for a bearish reversal is higher and when it is below the potential for a turnaround to the upside is good. Unfortunately, the meter doesn't seem to provide very good timing on the market tops. However, I did like the bottom indicators. The yellow line is the average reading and the blue arrows in the chart mark out SPX bottoms. (I'll admit there was no particular numerical threshold for selection and it was done on just visual assesment - which I normally dislike.) At any rate, the blue arrows and lines line up pretty well with the lower risk for going long in the red-line meter. I haven't done the returns yet (perhaps a follow-up post this week) but I would be fairly confident in adding this measure to help with confirmation of a bottom. The nice thing about it is that several of the downward moves are very dramatic, which would allow for a quick decision.
Something that troubles me a bit is the current reading. I stated earlier that this meter isn't all that great at timing tops and bear reversals on SPX so it does not make me all that nervous. There is also some residual of the dramatic fall in the last quarter that I believe the indicator is working off, which is resulting in the very high risk reading for a drop.
I'll try to update this from time-to-time as I go along posting and see how it (and myself) performed.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Earnings Week of 1/5/09
Spreadsheet Link
Before really getting into it, a few comments. SPX has finally made it through the SMA/EMA(50), on low - but increasing - holiday volume. It is also past the mid-December peak and I could understand how a chartist would comment that there is now a path to SPX 1000, which would be the Election Day high. My 2 cents on this is as follows: the market has shrugged off a relentless stream of fairly horrific macro data. Those macro numbers don't seem to affect any particular company lately. For that, the earnings reports will be needed to see just how much of a pounding specific balance sheets have taken over the holiday season. And so, considering the ability to ignore the awful macro data it doesn't seem too outlandish that SPX could achieve 1000 before the serious earnings call volume begins. Check the Yahoo! calendar for that. The one HUGE caveat that must be repeated: all the last weeks' rally has been on crap volume. So without further rambling...
Monday: MOS announces after close. The break-even values in the sheet will likely change as theta erodes some of the contract's value. However, IV could make up for some of that. A favorable reaction to news would bring a 1st (and easily hit) level of about 38 and a 2nd level in the 42 area. A lousy report could send this sliding back to the 30 area from where it began this 20% run to its current 36.86. While the PE here is in the 5s, the PEG is 1.44, which might be worth keeping in mind.
Tuesday: Nothing made it through the screen.
Wednesday: BBBY, FDO & MON. We'll take MON first - it will likely get some sympathy movement with MOS in the general Ag group. It does have a more dear valuation than MOS and I would guess that on the upside it will see resistance around 77-78, with an outside chance of recovery to mid-December high around 84. A bottom range estimate would be 66 if reaction is negative. Now for the two retailers... BBBY lost what I believe is its primary competition in Linens & Things. (At least, I considered it their biggest competition.) Anyhow, the options pricing reflects the historic movement pretty well so barring some cheapening of contracts, this is probably just as well watched for potential break-out given the chart pattern rather than as an earnings play. FDO is one of a select fraternity of stocks that actually closed out 2008 in the green - that statistic alone should tell you how lousy the economy has been. FDO doesn't usually move much at earnings however so let's move on.
Thursday: APOL & CVX. APOL has been on a tear in the last couple of months, having gapped up 5 points on 10/29 and running up to 78.37 currently. The contracts are priced reasonably and historically APOL has been fairly volatile on earnings day. My concern: given the PEG at 81.7, is the 27 PE sustainable? Further, since it is within 3.50 points of the 52-week high of 81.68, will this be a "sell the news" event? It's hard to just say, "buy the strangle" for this one since it is on Thursday. I would probably say, if the break-even pricing for the strangle still reflects what is shown in the sheet, it would be worth playing. CVX... never really moves. Just watch crude.
Friday: AZZ & KBH. AZZ has a tiny float of 11.7M shares but a similarly low average volume and is in a not very sexy sector of industrial power equipment. Interestingly, in the last 2 quarters, it has been fairly volatile with contract pricing reflective of that. Probably best to avoid. KBH has not been historically volatile around earnings. Another one that seems not worth the bother for earnings.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Oil Updated (DXO & DTO)
Anyone that follows ETFs is aware that some funds attract more volume than others and many should just be taken out back and shot to be put out of their misery. Crude oil has several ETFs available in the ultra and ultrashort forms but DXO and DTO from Powershares got a bit of a headstart on their counterparts UCO/SCO from ProShares. By dumb luck, the launch of DXO and DTO almost perfectly coincides with the summer peak of crude oil prices. Let's look at some charts:
Take a look at the 13 period MAs in the volume graph. (Red lines) During the run up to oil's peak, average volume moves up for DTO and maintains a fairly steady pace through September when the volume begins to taper off to its current low levels. DXO on the other hand is a mirror image. Volume is rather dead until very late November when the MA(13) on volume begins to register a few blips of a pulse and then picks up real vigor into December as crude prices continued to plunge and DXO's price, from a summer high of 29.65 tumbled -94% to a low of 1.76 on Dec. 26th.
I believe that the mirror image volume behaviour represents the crude high and low reasonably well. Further, DXO - particularly if you were wise/lucky enough to pick it up around $2 -represents a low-risk entry point.
A bit of a digression: I am aware that double-long/short ETF suffer from value destruction during volatile markets due to their daily rebalancing required to meet their goals of double daily percentage moves vs their respective benchmarks. However, when markets move in a somewhat linear fashion - as crude did falling from its summer peak - the compounded gains using the levered ETFs can be very rewarding. As evidence of that, USO fell -71.8% from its peak and its prospectus states that it attempts to replicate WTI NYMEX pricing. DXO fell -94%. DTO on the other hand was a true winner from its inception, with an all-time high closing price of 160.30 representing a gain of 533%. Shorting USO or DXO would not have delivered these gains.
So, assuming the traders in these ETFs know what they are doing, this would be a signal that crude is nearly at a bottom.
Briefly revisiting the geopolitical instability comment above and at risk of sounding like one of the tin-foil hat fashionistas, I will say this: the governments of Iran, Russia, Venezuela and various other oil exporting states had strengthened themselves via oil revenues and developed budgets with assumptions of oil at a far higher price than the current $40/bbl area. I do not believe it is a big leap to connect the dots between Iran, Hamas and a risk-premium that seems to attach to crude whenever some instability pops up in the Middle-East. My guess is that we will see more of this type of stuff going on in the next year as various governments in these oil exporting states try to maneuver under the pressure of reduced oil revenues. Some of these maneuvers will serve as attempts to drive up the price of crude. Others will simply be defaults like Ecuador's Correa. Should be a fun year!
USO Chart (Yahoo!)
DXO Chart (Yahoo!)
DTO Chart (Yahoo!)