Sunday, April 26, 2009

Earnings Week of 4/27

Here's the week's earnings spreadsheet:

Spreadsheet Link

Another week with tons of earnings. Too many for commentary, plus I'm under-the-weather today so the spreadsheet will stand on its own again. One note: I boosted the threshold minimum on prior month option activity to 5000 to filter out some of the low-liquidity earnings reports. These types often aren't worth playing anyway since it's hard to trade out of them.


Anonymous said...

Posting your link on evil speculator again, many thanks for this.


Mr.Sparkle said...

Hey Prof -

You're welcome. I've been really derelict in commenting on earnings the last few weeks. Real life makes demands and the only things I've been able to maintain are the NYMEX charts, the earnings spreadsheet, and the bank failures. Not coincidentally, these are mostly automated at this point!